Reconstructions of historic landscapes and buildings help bring the past to life. They allow local communities, visitors, and students to understand the function and appearance of sites which have changed over time. Digital reconstructions also serve important research purposes, enabling archaeologists and historians to test theories about the design of lost buildings and their relationship with the surrounding landscape. During the last decade the Open Virtual Worlds team has collaborated with community groups, heritage organisations, and researchers in Scotland and overseas on more than forty reconstruction projects, representing the architecture, furnishings, and daily life of past societies. On this page you can discover more about the range of reconstructions created by the Open Virtual Worlds team, spanning sites as varied as neolithic stone monuments, Iron Age hillforts, medieval towns, and Victorian fishing communities.
You can access our OpenSim grid to explore our reconstructions of Brora Salt Pans, Eyemouth Fort, Fethaland Fishing Station, Harlem, Mosfell, Spartan Basilica, St Andrews Castle, St Andrews Cathedral Priory and Linlithgow Palace by following the instruction here.

You can access Unreal engine reconstructions by using online system by following the instructions here.